Monday, September 30, 2019

Adolescence and Mental Disorders

Mental health refers to a psychological and emotional state. It is how people think, feel, and act as they face life’s situations. It affects how people handle stress, relate to one another, and make decisions. Mental health influences the ways individuals look at themselves, their lives, and others in their lives. Like physical health, mental health is important at every stage of life. All aspects of our lives are affected by our mental health. Caring for and protecting our children is an obligation and is critical to their daily lives and their independence. When untreated, mental health disorders can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse, violence, and even suicide. Mental health problems and mental illness for children and adolescents refer to the range of all diagnosable emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders. They include. But are not limited to: depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, conduct, and eating disorders. Serious emotional disturbances for children and adolescents refer to the above disorders when they severely disrupt daily functioning in home, school, or community. According to studies by Health N. I. (2003), in early to middle childhood, mental illness affects about 1 in 10 children. In adolescent years, the number doubles to 1 in 5 young people. During adolescence, many biological changes are taking place as the child becomes an adult. Many of these changes are physical but emotional, social and psychological changes take place as well. Adolescence in itself brings on emotional highs and lows similar to the symptoms of bi-polar manic depressive disorder. Therefore proper diagnosis of some mental illnesses, unless somewhat severe, can go unnoticed and undetected. In children and adolescents, the most frequently diagnosed mood disorders are major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder. Because mood disorders such as depression substantially increase the risk of suicide, suicidal behavior is a matter of serious concern for clinicians who deal with the mental health problems of children and adolescents. The incidence of suicide attempts reaches a peak during the mid-adolescent years, and mortality from suicide, which increases steadily through the teens, is the third leading cause of death at that age (CDC, 1999; Hoyert et al. , 1999). Although suicide cannot be defined as a mental disorder, the various risk factors, especially the presence of mood disorders, that predispose young people to such behavior are given special emphasis in this section, as is a discussion of the effectiveness of various forms of treatment. The evidence is strong that over 90 percent of children and adolescents who commit suicide have a mental disorder. Bipolar manic-depressive disorder is a mood disorder in which episodes of mania alternate with episodes of depression. According to the surgeon general, frequently, the condition begins in adolescence. The first manifestation of bipolar illness is usually a depressive episode. The first manic features may not occur for months or even years thereafter, or may occur either during the first depressive illness or later, after a symptom-free period (Strober et al. , 1995). The clinical problems of mania are very different from those of depression. Adolescents with mania or hypomania feel energetic, confident, and special; they usually have difficulty sleeping but do not tire; and they talk a great deal, often speaking very rapidly or loudly. They may complain that their thoughts are racing. They may do schoolwork quickly and creatively but in a disorganized, chaotic fashion. When manic, adolescents may have exaggerated or even delusional ideas about their capabilities and importance, may become overconfident, and may be uninhibited with others; they start numerous projects that they do not finish and may engage in reckless or risky behavior, such as fast driving or unsafe sex. Sexual preoccupations are increased and may be associated with promiscuous behavior. Reactive Depression, also known as adjustment disorder with depressed mood, is the most common form of mood problem in children AND adolescents. In children suffering from reactive depression, depressed feelings are short-lived and usually occur in response to some adverse experience, such as a rejection, a slight, a letdown, or a loss. In contrast, children may feel sad or lethargic and appear preoccupied for periods as short as a few hours or as long as 2 weeks. However, mood improves with a change in activity or an interesting or pleasant event. These transient mood swings in reaction to minor environmental adversities are not regarded as a form of mental disorder. All in all, I have concluded that it is definitely more likely for mental illness symptoms to surface during

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Music and Magic in the World of Arda

MUSIC AND MAGIC IN THE WORLD OF ARDA In Tolkien’s legendarium, magic as it appears in contemporary sword-and-sorcery stories does not exist. Tolkien makes it clear in essays and debates that his magic is far more complex than the waving of a wand, and does not follow strict, clear-cut rules. Instead, power over the laws of nature and reality lies to a great extent in song and music.The first act of creation in the â€Å"Ainulindale†, by which the foundations for Arda’s creation were laid, was the singing of the Music of the Ainur by Iluvatar and the divine beings beneath him. When the beings of Arda create song, the result is often ‘magical’, whether in an emotional sense or if it has a tangible effect upon the world around it. In both the â€Å"Ainulindale† and â€Å"Of Beren and Luthien† this is quite evident.Singing in Tolkien’s legendarium is in some ways a magical act, in that any of the Children of Iluvatar engaged in it ar e reflecting the original creative acts of the Ainur, sub-creating and greatly affecting the world around them, and that the only limits on a being’s ability to create music are its purpose – whether to dominate or to create – and the sheer force of will it places behind its magical, musical intent. Singing has a variety of effects within Tolkien’s works, but the most dramatic ones by far are those visible in the â€Å"Ainulindale†.Here, singing is synonymous with creation itself. The notes of the many Ainur, including Melkor, as well as those of Iluvatar, all coalesce in order to form the basis for Arda and its history. The act of song-making as creation is not metaphorical: the Ainur originally conceive of the world through music, and the voices of the Ainur are even described as â€Å"like unto harps and lutes, and pipes and trumpets, and viols and organs, and like unto countless choirs with words† (Tolkien 4).Even the conflict between Il uvatar, who seeks to create a world of beauty and freedom for its future inhabitants, and Melkor, who seeks to dominate all that is, is done through their respective melodies. No music existed before that of the Ainur in their acts of creation, and although a great deal of music existed afterward, none was ever as powerful or influential in shaping the world, as the passage reads â€Å"Never since have the Ainur made any music like to this music† (Tolkien 4) This original music created the first true polarization between good and vil – through the conflict between Iluvatar and Melkor – and initiated the creation of the world. The fact that the Music of the Ainur created the world itself is no less visible than when Iluvatar declared â€Å"behold your music! † and the Ainur first saw the world (Tolkien 6). In fact, all later music stemmed from this music, in that the Music of the Ainur set the stage for the genesis of all Children of Iluvatar and the music they would go on to produce. The effects of song are equally as visible, if not quite so dramatic, in the tale of Beren & Luthien, particularly through Luthien herself.Throughout the story, many of Luthien’s actions revolve around music and song. When Beren first sees her, he is spellbound by her appearance, and it is not until she sings out loud and â€Å"flowers [spring] from the cold earth where her feet had passed† that he is released from his shock enough to call out to her (Tolkien 194). Her music is also powerful enough to put the great wolf Carcharoth, as well as Morgoth himself in Angband, to sleep. In addition, it aids her and Huan in combating Sauron at Tol-in-Gaurhoth.Finally, her heartfelt song of sorrow at Beren’s death at the end of the tale proves moving enough to warrant restoring Beren to life, and allowing Beren and Luthien to spend their final, mortal years together in peace. Indeed, it is stated that â€Å"The song of Luthien before Mandos was the song most fair that ever in words was woven, and the song most sorrowful that the world shall hear† (Tolkien 221). She is not the only character who uses song to great effect, however. When King Felagund and Sauron battle in the dark lands of Morgoth, they duel with words and songs of power rather than physical weapons.Felagund fights with inspirational songs, harkening up images of â€Å"trust unbroken† and â€Å"resisting†, while Sauron utilizes songs of â€Å"treachery† and â€Å"betrayal† (Tolkien 201). Sauron proved more powerful however, and once he defeats Felagund, the others are entirely helpless against him. In these particular stories, the greatest singers are either connected to the Ainur, or are Ainur themselves. This point is fairly obvious in the case of the â€Å"Ainulindale†, in which all participants of the Music were Iluvatar’s â€Å"Holy Ones† , but is also quite evident in â€Å"Of Beren and Luthie n† (Tolkien ). There, Luthien is half-Maia as the daughter of Melian, and her power is extraordinary for a Child of Iluvatar. She proves capable of contending with a fallen Valar, a powerful Maia, and a vicious beast-servant of Morgoth through her skills with song. Sauron himself is also quite skilled in the art of song as a Maia, and in a duel with a mortal he â€Å"had the mastery† (Tolkien 201). The reason for the magical superiority of the Ainur is quite simple: they were involved in the original music of the world.They were originally formed by Iluvatar for the express purpose of creating â€Å"in harmony together a Great Music† and through it the world, and so it is far more natural to them (Tolkien 3). Although Luthien herself has no experience with true creation, as Sauron and her mother do, she nonetheless has the blood of a being that was essentially created for song, as Melian also sprang from the mind of Iluvatar for the purpose of creating the world. By no means are all great singers in Tolkien’s world Maiar however, or even those related to them, as the example of Felagund illustrates.While Felagund may not be able to best a Maia such as Sauron, he is still able to compete with a Maia for what appears to be the majority of their conflict, and it is outright stated that â€Å"the power of the King was very great† in the conflict (Tolkien 201). He lacks the experience and inborn purpose for song that any Maia would possess as a being originally born to create Arda, but he remains a force to be reckoned with, and he is unquestionably more powerful through his skill with song than most other characters in the tale.It is clear, then, that force of will and drive can – to an extent – mitigate the difference in natural ability between a Child of Iluvatar and an Ainu. Luthien’s exemplary skill with song in the latter half of the tale may have thus been influenced by her drive to help Beren and the â €Å"weight of horror† that her love caused her to feel at the possibility of his death (Tolkien 202). The act of song-making in the â€Å"Ainulindale† is, at its core, an act of creation.What is present throughout â€Å"Of Beren and Luthien† however – and, for that matter, all other stories set in Middle-Earth during the First through Fourth Ages – is sub-creation. Just as Iluvatar created the Ainur originally for the purpose of creation, the Children of Arda and those that Iluvatar would – humans, elves, hobbits, and dwarves – were made to sub-create. In other words, they were meant to create even further, through art, literature, and above all, song. By attempting to emulate the song of creation, the Children would make the world even more vibrant, rich, and pleasant than the Valar had originally managed.Tolkien states in his letter to Milton Waldman prefacing â€Å"The Silmarillion† that for the Elves, magic is â€Å"Art, d elivered from many of its human limitations†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"Art not power, sub-creation not domination and tyrannous re-forming of creation† (Tolkien xvi-xvii). The effect of song in â€Å"Of Beren and Luthien† was somewhat different. If songs made by the Valar were what originally brought about and shaped the world, then songs made by the Children could do the same, beyond merely in terms of producing music for pleasure’s sake.As exemplified by Felagund, a sufficiently strong, refined will could sub-create in a way that mirrored creation itself, and shape the world despite lacking the natural affinity for song that an Ainu possesses. What this evidence points to is a notion that at first may seem ridiculous: that the magical song-making of the Ainur and the Children are fundamentally exactly the same. The ability of several of the Children in â€Å"Of Beren and Luthien† to contend with Ainur in contests of power through song already lends credenc e to this idea, suggesting that the music created by the Ainur is the same, only greater.It would appear that the difference between the use of songs by the Ainur and the Children merely results from the inherently greater willpower of the Ainur. As beings that are not only older but are also â€Å"the offspring of [Iluvatar’s] thought†, their wills are considerably more refined and honed than those of the Children (Tolkien 3). Theoretically however, any elf, man, hobbit, or dwarf with sufficient mental discipline and/or training could make music as great as that of an Ainu.Thus, the closeness to the natural world and ‘magic’ of the elves is simply a consequence of their having spent more time amongst the Valar and within the world than the other Children, gaining more competence with song and closeness to the musical skill of the Ainur as a result. In addition, the ability of Melkor to overpower the songs of the other Ainur in the â€Å"Ainulindale† resulted from him having â€Å"been given the greatest gifts of power and knowledge† and resulting musical affinity, and that greater force of will alone was that set him apart (Tolkien 4).The two sections being discussed point to one other significant notion: that there is an inherent difference between the music produced by the Children and good Ainur, and the music produced by the Dark Powers of Morgoth. The â€Å"Ainulindale† indicates that the Music of the Ainur was initially harmonious, with â€Å"endless interchanging melodies woven in harmony† (Tolkien 4). It was only once Melkor, desiring to overpower and control the course of the Music, decided to interfere, that the Music became disjointed and violent.Eventually, Iluvatar himself steps in, at which point it is clear that the melodies of Iluvatar and Melkor are diametrically opposed, and that only Melkor’s music â€Å"hath not its uttermost source in [Iluvatar]† (Tolkien 6). The music o f the other Ainur, which was harmonious with that of Iluvatar, was gentle, melodious, and pleasant. Melkor’s music was violent and aggressive. To an extent, the musical conflict between Felagund and Sauron in â€Å"Of Beren and Luthien† mirrors this, though in that case Sauron’s aggressive, spiteful song proves victorious due to his superior will.While the songs produced by the forces of good and evil are somewhat similar, their basic nature and purpose – to create, and to dominate, respectively – are polar opposites, and the dominative nature of evil is the source of the violence and cacophonous nature of the songs. Indeed, Tolkien’s statement of the Elves’s magic as â€Å"Art not Power, sub-creation not domination†¦Ã¢â‚¬  in contrast with that of Melkor and Sauron, supports the notion that the nature of their magic – and this applies to all other forces of good as well – is irreconcilable with that of Melkor and his minions (Tolkien xvi-xvii).In the â€Å"Ainulindale†, as well as â€Å"Of Beren and Luthien†, Tolkien reveals the true nature of magic and song: in his world, they are synonymous. While there may be major differences in the fundamental nature of the songs used by good and evil, only force of will and purpose make the song of an Ainu such as Morgoth any greater than that of a half-Maia such as Luthien, or a mere elf-king such as Felagund. Keeping these conclusions in mind, one may reach a single, overarching definition of magic in Tolkien’s works: an act of musical creation or sub-creation with enough force of will behind it to tangibly affect the world.There is no need to understand the mechanics of music in the legendarium, only that any being is capable of it and that it is the source of all magical acts. Truly, the significance of song in Tolkien’s work, especially for the purpose of understanding the magic of the world and the nature of the confl ict that spans the entire legendarium, cannot be overstated. WORKS CITED Tolkien, J. R. R. , and Christopher Tolkien. The Silmarillion. 2nd Ed. Del Rey Books, 2001. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Qualitative Research Designs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Qualitative Research Designs - Assignment Example The research design used by the researchers for this study is review of the existing literature because the aim of the researchers was to gain an insight into the issue and explore it in its depth. Qualitative research designs have always been used on a wide scale to conduct nursing related studies (Polit & Beck, 2012). The research design used for this particular study appears to be appropriate because review of the existing literature always provides some good amount of information that can be used for any qualitative studies. There were no apparent ethical issues for this research as the researchers did not involve general public. Rather they made use of the existing literature to base their conclusions. All literature used in the study is properly cited and referenced, thus, no issue of copyright exists as well. If the study design would have been quantitative, the researchers would have followed a systemic process to gather information. Moreover, there would also have been some test relationships and an analysis of the cause and effect relationships. Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter 20, â€Å"Qualitative Research Design and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Question - Essay Example Yes water affects mass wasting processes. Water reduces adhesive forces been the soil among other debris materials thereby facilitating mass wasting. Additionally, water often has force large enough to move material including large debris down the stream. The downward movement of loose and unconsolidated materials including soil and sediment is often due to force of gravity. At the point where the soil among other consolidated materials is not moving down the hill, such material are held in place with frictional force. The point at which the gravitational and frictional force balances is referred to angle of repose. This is the maximum angle that a friction force can hold loose material on the surface of the earth not to move downhill. Therefore, angles greater than angle of repose usually lead to mass wasting and at this point the force of gravity is slightly greater than frictional force holding the same materials. Soil creeping is a long term mass wasting process and it combine the movement of small and rocky materials in undirected direction. The movement of such materials are often facilitated by force of gravity. The creep usually do much damage since it leads to collection of materials over time especially behind trees; thus, it may lead to landslides triggered mainly by these tree particularly in cases that they lose root

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nondiscrimination Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nondiscrimination Paper - Essay Example This would probably exclude, however, private institutions, which can indeed stipulate their own rules. In this case, the free exercise issue would not be a strong argument for the university. [79 words] 1. When may colleges and universities legally regulate the distribution by students of material that some students, faculty, or community members would find offensive See generally the Student Edition Sections 9.3.3, 9.3.5, and 9.3.6. Do private institutions have more latitude in such regulation than public institutions See generally the Student Edition Section 9.3.6. Generally, free speech is not prohibited. The only time a college or university may regulate offensive material is if the material is illegal speech, i.e., it has the ability to incite a riot. Private institutions have no more latitude over such regulation in this matter than public institutions do; this is the legal judgment on such an issue. Otherwise, anything else is permissible-even, perhaps shockingly, hate speech. [68 words] 2.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

ICD 9 to ICD 10 Regulations and Standards - Benefits and Challenges Article

ICD 9 to ICD 10 Regulations and Standards - Benefits and Challenges - Article Example It was first instituted in the mid 1970’s and is therefore almost forty years old. Along with being outdated, the codes for the older editions are at maximum capacity. Technically, the United States will be almost the last developed country to fully embrace ICD 10, as it had been in use in many countries since 1993. Actually it will be known in this country as ICD 10-CM, due to changes made to the version. The change from nine to ten was also necessitated by the increasing evolvement of informatics. Where edition nine can only utilize 13,600 volumes of code, ICD 10-CM can handle 69,000, an increase of over five hundred per cent (AAPC, 2012). Discussion Besides the added capacity of ICD 10-CM, there are various benefits it offers. First of all, part of the reason for the increased volume is the difference in the size of codes between the two. Nine has no more than five characters and is alpha numeric but only uses E or V (only in digit 1). ICD-10 has up to seven characters and is likewise alpha numeric but the difference is the alpha character can be any letter, first or last position. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2010) defines the benefits (among others) as the ability to have a measurement device for care and efficiency, preventing public health risks (such as communicable diseases), streamlining payment devices, tracking and stopping fraud, and conducting policy and research. The attachments required by ICD-9 to diagnose a patient will also be greatly reduced in ten. With benefits of a new system there are also always challenges involved. First are the financial and resource liabilities payers will face for implementation, as it â€Å"will be a complex and painstaking process† (Thompson, 2011). Another problem for payers and health care staff alike is the training involved, both for the time constraints involved and moneys expended. Like Thompson points out however, training is tantamount, for health Workers entering the wrong codes could be disastrous and also result in delayed payments for their entity. Also, certain private payers such as Workmen’s Comp insurers are not required to transition to ICD 10-CM. So providers will have to face the economic and logistical nightmare of operating two different versions. Actually Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced earlier this year that the deadline for ICD 10-CM has been extended for one year, until October 1, 2014. So hospitals have some breathing room. Cumberland Consulting Group specializes in helping healthcare facilities employ new technologies such as ICD 10-CM. Their Amanda Brenegan in an unbiased report on ten (Herman, 2012) points out over forty per cent of hospitals at least have a plan of implementation and many have already started the laborious process of training physicians and staff. However, she is critical in stating that the training is probably lacking, as most trainees donâ⠂¬â„¢t understand the concept of ICD 10-CM. Another hurdle facing hospitals is having to undergo too many transitions at once. Electronic Health Records (EHR) has already surpassed its October 3, 2012 deadline for incentive payments due to early implementation. In February of this year the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a roadmap to help with the interaction of ICD 10-CM and the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT), which had been adopted by eighteen countries, including the US, Australia and Denmark.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Forensic nursing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Forensic nursing - Term Paper Example According to the American Academy of Forensic sciences (AAFS) forensic nursing is â€Å"the application of forensic aspects of health care combined with the bio/psycho/social/spiritual education of the registered nurse in the scientific investigation of trauma and or death† (Hammer and Pagliario, 2006). In the past, forensic medical interventions (including lifesaving interventions) were withheld until a Forensic medical examiner (FME) has arrived at the emergency department and had collected evidence (Pyrek, 2006 ). In fact, clients were even transferred to other cities that offered forensic clinical services; moreover, there was not much intervention that could be provided in order to protect forensic evidence ( Pyrek, 2006). When a Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE) is available at the clinical site, they are able to secure the important forensic evidence requiring timely recovery and preservation without withholding medical interventions ( Pyrek. 2006). In 1991, the American Society of Forensic Nurses was the first to recognize and accept Forensic Nursing as a specialty (Bader and Gabriel, 2009 ). The following year , 72 primary sexual assault nurse examiners formed the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) (International Association of Forensic Nurses, 2006). The aim of the IAFN promoted the education of forensic nurses; thus, the Forensic Nursing Code of Ethics and the Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice was developed in 1997(Bader and Gabriel, 2009). Forensic Nursing is a specialty that is still in its infancy, thus it needs to continuously grow to provide an appropriate response in trauma cases, provide a more holistic care to their clients, and create advocacy for their patients in an unbiased , scientific, and objective manner. In the past many of these roles have been carried out by emergency nurses who may not be

Monday, September 23, 2019

Constructing three chapters of proposal Dissertation

Constructing three chapters of proposal - Dissertation Example In 2011, a pipeline fire killed 100 people and seriously injured 120 in Nairobi. In 2010, a Pemex (Petroleos Mexicanos) pumping station in Central Mexico exploded, killing 27 and injuring 50 (Ellingwood, 2010). In 2006, a pipeline explosion in Nigeria killed up to 500 people (BBC News, 2006), but the fatalities in this incident are only second to the Ufa train disaster in Russia in 1989, where train sparks set off a gas leak from an LPG pipeline and killed 645 people (Observer-Reporter, 1989). Oil and gas accidents can have catastrophic results, all the more underscoring the importance of assessing the crisis management systems in this industry, and ascertaining whether or not these are within acceptable standards to ensure the protection of the public. 1.1 Background of the Study One of the more comprehensive and meticulous definitions of â€Å"crisis,† as it is conceived in business crisis management, is that of Fink (1986, quoted in Reid, 2000, p. 2), who states that  "A crisis is any situation that runs the risk of: 1. Escalating in intensity. 2. Falling under close media or government scrutiny. 3. Interfering with the normal operations of business. 4. Jeopardizing with the positive public image presently enjoyed by a company or its officers. 5. Damaging a company’s bottom line in any way.† Fink’s well-crafted enumeration of the attributes of a crisis situation noticeable lacks one element: that of being â€Å"unforeseen† or â€Å"unexpected.† This is a defining trait of a crisis for other authors (Hoff, 2001; Boi, 2005; Laws, Prideaux & Chon, 2007), but apparently not for Fink, whose definition focuses on the impacts rather than the causes of the crisis situation. In many instances, crises are so characterised not because they are unforeseen. Rather, they are foreseen (or at least foreseeable), but are historically and statistically deemed so unlikely to happen that precautionary and preventive measures against them are overlooked (Loveridge, 2009; Daft & Marcic, 2011). Warranting the necessity for the enhancement of crisis planning, prevention, assessment, and mitigation for the oil and gas industry are the deleterious effects of the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (Casale, 2010). Despite the serious harm to the environment and to livelihoods in the affected area, the potential closure of large oil and gas companies or the shutdown of their pipelines is a risk which major oil producers could not be take because of their critical role in the world economy (Omolara & Olayide, 2011; Kamal, 2012). The matter of oil and gas crisis management to ensure continuity, therefore, becomes an important area of study. Unfortunately, there are few academic studies which have addressed this area. Lee Clarke of Rutgers University underscored the fact that all most oil and gas companies have to rely on currently are what he calls â€Å"symbolic planning† and â€Å"fantasy documents† upon which crisis strategies are built (Morse, 2004). 1.2 Statement of the Problem In defining the research problem, it became apparent to this researcher that the threat of impending crises (i.e., crises that are unlikely, but may eventually happen) confront all organisations in varied ways. Consequently, all organizations need some

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Originality and shock value Essay Example for Free

Originality and shock value Essay Dead animals, elephant dung, unmade beds and rice all seem like everyday objects but should we be calling them art? When we were growing up we were taught that art was a beautiful painting like Van Goghs Sunflowers, or a perfect sculpture of a human like Michelangelos David, but we were never really taught that conceptual and contemporary art were proper forms of art, even though it was established in the sixties. It made us think and challenge our own assumptions of what art should really look like. People didnt understand the idea of cows cut in half (Damien Hirst), wire mesh lockers (Mona Hatoum), rubble (Richard Long) or rubbish (Tomoko Takahashi) being called art unless you could frame it nicely on your living room wall. The fact that this type of art didnt fit neatly into peoples ideas of what art should be was the reason it was called conceptual. Conceptual and contemporary art got a huge reaction out of people because they felt conned and marginally embarrassed when, for example, they looked at Martin Creeds light going on and off and didnt get it. They didnt like the fact that they couldnt work out the true meaning of what the artist was trying to get across. It also got a reaction for another reason which was the simplicity of some of the art. Im sure that when all the people who were working long hours every week looked at the well-paid artist Tracey Emins unmade bed they were desperately screaming to themselves, BUT I COULD DO THAT! and thinking whether conceptual art is even worth looking at. Maybe some of us are completely missing the point they are trying to get across. Maybe instead of drowning in the depression of how easy, and perhaps pointless, the art is we should be fresh-eyed and open minded and celebrate the fact that these ideas and possibilites have been opened for us. Maybe thats the point. This art definitely has originality and shock value. Artists dont want to repeat whats been done before in the same way no one wants to hear old jokes. Their use of new technology adds to the quality of some of their work. Using a computer isnt a cop-out of drawing, its just another tool. The originality and shock value go hand-in-hand and afterall, arent those the two things we want when we look at art? We as viewers dont want to stand there looking at something so bland, tasteless and overrated; If we wanted that then we could just as easily stick a slice of bread on the wall and call that art. The artists look for new challenges and ways for us to see their art. This type of art makes us challenge ourselves to find beauty in the everyday things in life. My opinion of Modern Art is a very balanced one because even though some of the examples of conceptual and contemporary art are sometimes ridiculous, they also challenge you to find the true meaning of what it stands for. The shock factor aswell hypnotizes us and keeps our attention locked on the beauty of the art. One thing that fascinates me though is that if artist Chris Ofili paints with elephant dung he is seen as a Turner Prize winning genius, but if I tried to paint with elephant dung would I be seen as an artistic genius? Probably not.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Disaster Paper Essay Example for Free

Disaster Paper Essay When you deliberate on a disaster, it becomes clear that any such event has three phases to it. Initially, there are antecedents that lead to the disaster. When enough antecedents have accumulated, the disaster occurs at that specific tipping time. Finally after the disaster has happened the final phase of resolutions occurs. The resolutions are steps that the society attempt to implement to revert the effects that the event has produced. Consider the Deepwater Horizon disaster that happened on July 17th 2010. Upon critical review the group have identified series of antecedents that led to the disaster. At the tipping point the disaster occurred, lives were lost and numerous crew members injured. After the initial shock of the disaster and evacuation of the crew engineers and BP staff attempted to close the well with numerous trials. Eventually policy makers were involved in development of the new safety policies. Numerous investigations and trials were performed to better understand the disaster and avoid similar events. At the end numerous antecedents have been identified, the disaster was resolved and the consequences identified. The Deepwater Horizon accident was found to have multiple antecedents that caused this tragedy. Specifically, a sequence of eight safety barriers that were breached led to the explosion which killed eleven people and caused widespread pollution throughout the Gulf of Mexico. At first the annulus cement barrier was installed improperly and did not isolate the hydrocarbons coming from the well. The shoe track barrier did not isolate the hydrocarbons. As a consequence these two events allowed hydrocarbons to rise up the well and aboard the Deepwater Horizon rig. The negative pressure test was incorrectly interpreted. The influx of hydrocarbons was not recognized until it was too late. Well control response actions failed to regain the control of the well. This led the well flow to be diverted to the mud gas separator causing gas to be vented onto the vessel rather than being diverted over board. Safety fire and gas systems did not prevent hydrocarbon ignition from the engine room. Finally, the blowout preventer (BOP) emergency modes did not seal the well due to the accumulation of previous seven events mentioned above. With these eight events leading one to another, it was much more difficult to seize the explosions and fire that damaged the MUX cables and hydraulic lines. This resulted in failure of the emergency disconnect system. To conclude, it is clear that specific and identifiable antecedents can be discovered and that their accumulations to a tipping point lead to the disaster. The second phase of the Deepwater Horizon disaster deals with engineers and BP technical staff trying to close the well so that the oil spill is stopped. To reduce the oil spill the leaking oil is set on fire with the hope that the spill will be reduced. On May 2nd, 2010 PB starts to drill a relief well that should overtake that leaking site. On May 5th one of the leaking sites is capped, however oil continues to leak from the well. On May 7th BP engineers use the containment chambers to close the remaining leaks. The idea fails and is abandoned. On May 9th a â€Å"junk shot† approach is implemented, the following day â€Å"top hat† approach is planned out. The attempt to reduce the leak continues, numerous other approaches and plans are implemented to either reduce the oil spill or completely halt it. On august 4th BP reports that using the latest attempt the â€Å"static kill† appears to be successful and attempts to permanently seal the leak are in the process. On September 19th the Deepwater Horizon leak have been permanently sealed. The nightmare that happened on May 2nd has been halted but not fully resolved. The environmental affect that the disaster caused will hunt the future of Gulf of Mexico waters for decades. For example, seahorse populations in the region decline and the Hippocampus zosterae, dwarf specie of seahorses, is on the verge of extinction. The role of engineers in the Deepwater Horizon disaster is immense. During the accumulation of antecedents there are evidences that engineers knew about chaos that was occurring on the Deepwater Horizon rig. However, due to poor management and lack of communication between companies involved in the project, engineers had little impact in correcting the antecedents. Eventually, when the disaster occurred, the BP engineers tried various attempts and ideas to close the opened well. Lastly environmental engineers are and will be involved in cleaning efforts of the Gulf of Mexico waters. Therefore it is important to consider the engineers as not only the antecedents in a disaster but also as proactive members of society that attempt fixing the environment to pre-disaster state. Therefore, engineering is involved with all disaster phases. As a group, we plan to incorporate each disaster phase into the final report and discuss how engineering process have been aiding the future avoidance of similar disasters. It is important to understand that media reports cover just a few aspects of disasters and news in general. In many cases the scope of media reports is within political and economic spectrums. Therefore further research into documents released by various commissions and investigators that are publicly available will be looked at and analysed by the group and its members. The group process is moving according to the milestones developed and outlined in the proposal paper. Despite this, new opportunities in scheduling allows for the group to have a few extra meetings and perhaps finish the final report ahead of the scheduled time. The comparison chart of milestones is outlined below. Over all there are a few challenges that the group have to work through. As mentioned above the group plans to analyze some reports developed by the investigators of the disaster. The challenging part is to read through pages of technical analysis and to identify related parts for the assignment. Since there are new group meetings, it should be possible to accomplish this task in professional manner. In addition the group will do a presentation on the project therefore these two meeting dates will be allocated towards that time. The final paper will contain a more detailed and chronological outline of the disaster phases. The paper will discuss the causes, antecedents and policy developments that occurred as of the result of the disaster. The general breakdown of the parts has not changed since they were assigned during the composition of the proposal paper.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Methods for Sustainability in the Chemical Industry

Methods for Sustainability in the Chemical Industry Table of Contents (Jump to) INTRODUCTION WAYS OF MAINTAINING SUSTAINABILITY IN THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 1. RENEWABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY 2. CATALYSIS 3. EFFICIENT WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLE 4. SAFER SOLVENT CONCLUSION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION Also known as green chemistry, sustainability in the chemical industry is the practise or a viewpoint of chemical researches that is design to focus on the reduction or elimination of the chemical processes that results to the production of a generation of hazardous substances particularly to the environment and humanity (USEPA, 2015). With reference to the current climatic changes, physical evidences shows that the rate at which solar energy is received from the sun compared to the rate at which it is lost to space, has severely increased over the previous decades, Hence, negatively affecting the climates of different regions across the globe. This could be correlated to the fact that many chemical processes used in the industries today are not sustainable enough (Blackstone 2015). Figure 1: Gas Emission from a Chemical Plant Source: WAYS OF MAINTAINING SUSTAINABILITY IN THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY There are several approaches to maintain sustainability in the chemical industry today; however this report concentrated on four of them; 1. RENEWABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY Most chemical processes requires energy in order to materialize, and with fossil fuel becoming progressively more scarce with comparison to demand, there is the necessity to find alternative sources, such as recycled or renewable energy. The aftereffects of using fossil fuel, particularly to operate a chemical plant such an ammonia plant for example is that a large amount of Carbon-monoxide is produced as by-product hence contributing to the current global challenges of climate change (University of York, 2014). Ways of Using Energy Effectively By using good insulative materials and well-sustained equipment, heat loss will be reduced during the process of production and any surplus heat should be re-used to produced hot water rather than being lost to the environment. Chemical reactions that require lower temperature should be considered when the option is available. Where possible, chemical plants should avoid using generator to generate electricity because of the emission of carbon-monoxide. 2. CATALYSIS The use of catalysts plays an enormous role in the enhancement of a more sustainable process for the production of chemicals. There are several benefits in using and developing catalysts for industrial chemical reactions, some significant ones being: They positively affect the condition needed for the chemical reaction, often decreasing the energy required by reducing the pressure and temperature. They facilitate the usage of alternative reactions which generally have a better atom economy therefore reduces wastage. They enable the possibility to precisely control the reaction pathways, hence decreasing unwanted by-products and making it easier to purify and separate the preferred products. Example: In the production of nylon-6 (an essential polymer used to make fabrics); cyclohexanone is altered into caprolactam through the means of oxime (reacting hydroxylamine hydrogen-sulphate with ketone). This process requires the need to isomerised sulphuric acid with the reactant (caprolactam) which then gives off ammonium sulphate (wastage). With the introduction of a catalyst (zeolite), the chemical reactions are rearranged hence resulting to elimination of the subsequent wastage from sulphuric acid (University of York, 2014). 3. EFFICIENT WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLE As much as it is practically impossible to have zero-wastage, chemical practises can imbibe the following culture below; Waste Avoidance: Where possible, chemical processes that involve less or no wastage should be considered simply because it saves time, money and preserves the environment. Generally, chemical waste products are treated specially due to their hazardous tendencies to humanity and the environment (Blackstone 2015). Waste Re-usage: In cases whereby it is almost impossible not to produce waste, alternative means should be devised in order to re-use the waste products created. For example, a chemical plant, that conducts a lot of combustion can re-use the carbon-monoxide (by-product) to produced methanol by the hydrogenation of the carbon-monoxide (University of York, 2014). Waste-to-energy Conversion and Recycle: In certain circumstances, the energy needed to recycle the waste product maybe significant compared to the advantages of the recycled product therefore it may be considerable better to convert waste to energy. Recycle and converting waste to energy should be interchangeable. For example, the production of cotton with the use of pesticides and fertilisers could end up requiring more energy and polluting more than the production of certain artificial fibres or fabrics (University of York 2014). Landfill: this is often regarded as the most cost-effective way to dispose selective chemical waste especially in countries like America and Nigeria with large open fields. With other waste management methods such as incineration and resource recovery both requiring wide investments in manpower and infrastructure, landfills have fewer cost, allowing them to stand favourably. They can also be upgraded to generate natural gas which can be potentially seen as revenue stream (Blackstone 2015). 4. SAFER SOLVENT As part of the means to preserve the environment and to maintain the practises of a sustainable chemistry, it is preferable to conduct reactions that occur in a gaseous phase simply because they avoid the usage of solvents to bring reactants together. Examples of these processes include; the manufacture of ammonia, methanol, ethene and ethanoic. In the production of ethanoic, where possible, an alternative solvent which is not harmful should be used because the solvent readily evaporates into the atmosphere unless safety precautions are taken to contain them (University of York, 2014). CONCLUSION The four means of maintaining sustainability in the chemical industry as explained with example in the body of this essay would go a long way in preserving the environment and its ecosystem if kept in practise, particularly to the future generations. In addition, the need to equally emphasis and imbibe this practise in modern chemical processes is economical viable both to the chemical industries and to potential investors. REFERENCES Rupert Blackstone (2015). How do we achieve a sustainable lifestyle?Institution of mechanical engineers UK. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed: 20 April 2015]. University of York (2014). Essential Chemical Industry online. Green chemistry. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 April 2015]. United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2015. Green Chemistry | US EPA. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 April 2015].

Thursday, September 19, 2019

U.S. Budget :: essays research papers

Caffeine   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A lot of people often wonder what caffeine is. When isolated in pure form, caffeine is a white crystalline powder that tastes very bitter. The chief source of pure caffeine is the process of decaffeinating coffee or tea. Caffeine is used to provideâ€Å"boost energy† or a feeling of heightened alertness. It is often used to stay awake longer and late into the night. Many people feel as though they â€Å"cannot function† in the morning without a cup of coffee to provide caffeine and the boost it gives them. Caffeine is an addictive drug. It operates using the same mechanisms that amphetamines, cocaine, and heroin use to stimulate the brain. Caffeine effects are more mild than amphetamines, cocaine, and heroin, but it is manipulating the same channels, and that is one of the things that gives caffeine its addictive qualities. If you feel like you have to have caffeine everyday and cannot live without it, then you are considered addicted to caffeine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Caffeine also increases dopamine levels in the same way that amphetamines do (heroine, and cocaine also manipulate dopamine levels by slowing down the rate of dopamine reuptake). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that, in certain parts of the brain, activates the pleasure center. Caffeine’s effects are obviously much lower than heroin’s, but it is the same mechanism. The long term problem with caffeine is the effect it has on sleep. The half life of caffeine in your body is about 6 hours. That means that if you have a big cup of coffee with 200 mg of caffeine in it at 3:00pm, by 9:00pm about 100 mg of that caffeine is still in your system. You will still be able to fall asleep but your body is going to miss out on the benefits of deep sleep. The next day you are probably going to feel worse, so to make yourself feel better, you will need caffeine as soon as you get up and out of bed. This cycle can start to continue day after day. This is why 90% of Ame ricans consume caffeine everyday. Once you get in the cycle, you have to keep taking the drug ( Caffeine raises adrenaline levels and heavy coffee consumption can lead to a state of adrenal gland exhaustion where the adrenal glands are no longer able to adequately respond to stress by releasing enough adrenaline. Adrenal insufficiency can then lead to a host of other problems, including a weakened immune system response, anxiety and panic attacks.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay examples --

1. There are many different reasons that are out there that tend to make businesses and business people feel portrayed. Business owners tend to be a very unique group of people but they all exhibit the same kind of characteristics that allow them to be very successful in what they do. Business owners need to be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to be successful with their jobs. Once they identify all of their weaknesses they need to make strategic plans that will help them turn them into strengths or limit the amount that the weakness brings them and their organization down. One of the most common overlooked traits of businesses and business people are their fascination with learning. These people always want to be able to know how things work and learn about new ways to do things. A lot of business owners feel also like they are never given enough credit where they feel like credit is due. They feel like the ability to be publicly recognized for doing a good j ob ends up going along way and a lot of them feel like they never have this happen to them. Business o...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Investigating the Aesthetical and Functional Qualities of Contemporary Chalet Interiors

‘Investigating the aesthetical and functional qualities of the modern-day chalet insides and their rise, from the low mountain hut beginnings’ This essay is intended to thoroughly look into the insides of mountain chalets, chiefly comparing the current epicurean skiing chalets to the early mountain huts. Whether these chalets are used for skiing intents or non, chalets may besides be found beside the seaboard. Thankss to modern agencies of conveyance and assembly techniques, chalets are besides being made in a portable mode. Another of import factor is that the celebrated chalets aren’t entirely the lone wooden huts there were at the clip, nevertheless something similar was go oning at the same time in the U.S. The communal may undervalue the power of chalets presents, therefore they are taken for granted, due to being commercialised as the ultimate topographic point to see, due to epicurean high-end insides which are without a uncertainty eye-catching. What is being emphasised in this essay is, what if there is something even deeper than interior decorator armchairs or such pieces of furniture? Besides tackled in this essay, will be Swiss traditions and a close expression into whether they are still being incorporated in these insides or non. Pushing aside these traditions would impact the manner the chalet insides are known for. Other of import factors of chalets are evidently the wood used, has the stuffs changed therefore being improved or are the same traditional stuffs being used because they were and are still supreme in quality? The term ‘Chalet’ originated from the Alp part in Europe, and still at this really twenty-four hours it is called so. In the early yearss, these crude chalets besides known as huts, used to house non merely one household but besides several households and were really limited in size. The really beginning of these huts was as utile agencies of safety for their animate beings, such as cowss and the farmer’s nutriment of nutrient and drink. These were besides most popular in the warmer months, where the husbandmans used to travel upward on the mountains to crowd their cowss. In these chalets the husbandmans used to populate in the hut with their animate beings and bring forth milk and cheese for the proceeding months. Way back, in the winter months these huts weren’t used much, as opposed to presents. Besides holding these chalets, some husbandmans besides had similar huts called ‘mazots’ , which were smaller and didn’t have any Windowss. T hese ‘mazots’ were used to hive away and lock cherished properties. Harmonizing to William S. B. Dana ( 1913 ) , ‘ [ degree Fahrenheit ] or the wood for building his place, the builder, if he is hapless, petitions aid from his local authorities. [ †¦ ] The lumber holding been selected, the friends and neighbors assist the home- shaper in his work, ’ with this statement Dana is depicting how the Alpine community used to work and how close knit they were. This furthermore reflected in the manner they decorated their houses in a cozy manner and were self sustainable in being able to construct their ain houses. These communities owned their ain woods therefore the stuffs for edifice houses were supplied from at that place. Another of import fact was the stuffs used. The chief stuff is wood ; this is still today associated with modern-day mountain chalets and plays a immense portion in the edifice of and decor of these insides. Kylloe’s ( 2006 ) facts coincide with those of Dana ( 1913 ) as he states that ‘Log cabins were th e preferable place of the innovators for several grounds. One, they were easy to construct. Trees were everyplace†¦ ’ this was mentioning to the U.S. Since Chalets are associated with Switzerland one can non neglect to retrieve that these wooden huts aren’t entirely in Europe but have besides been in being in North America called log places. On this note Ralph Kylloe ( 2006 ) points out that ‘ [ T ] here is another misconception sing log places that should be addressed. The first Europeans that arrived on our shores ( U.S ) did non construct log cabins. Most of the really early constructions erected, were atrocious hovels that rapidly fell apart, collapsible shelters or other transeunt constructions that did small to insulate and protect recent reachings from Europe.’ Later on due to development as researched by Dana ( 1913 ) , ‘Geneva is a celebrated place of chalet industry and design. From itsfabriques, chalets of all mode of forms and sizes are sent Forth into the universe to go summer houses, mountain trail route Stationss, brooding, hotels, etc.’ Dana specifically points out that in America t hey have different methods of building therefore holding with Kylloe ( 2006 ) . In Geneva they build the full chalet spot by spot, when done they knock it down and direct it to where it is to be placed for good, holding said that the proprietors can easy level it and take it anyplace else if need be, where as in the U.S. the whole edifice procedure is done on site. When it comes to the insides of Swiss chalets Dana ( 1913 ) states that ‘ , the entryway being by and large at the side, though on occasion at the rear – about ne'er at the front.’ Which is non the instance in the U.S. since Kylloe ( 2006 ) states that the ‘front door’ , even supported with an image was made of lasting wood slabs and opened towards the inside. One thing in common both in Europe and in the U.S. as stated by Kyloe ( 2006 ) was that ‘ [ T ] he hearth was the bosom of the home.’ Traditional Chalets are all the fury when it comes to Swiss mountain climbers. The chief characteristic found in chalets all over the universe is without a uncertainty ; wood. This of import stuff is what makes a mountain chalet traditional. Recently stated by Vabec ( 2013 ) in his article, wood blends really good with hearths which are made of rock and the furred sheets that drape quietly on the couch. In general wood is a rather a warm stuff, it creates warmth even to the coolest toned houses, so it comes to no surprise that each and every traditional chalet is covered with this well loved stuff. Shown in the ceilings, floors, kitchens, hearths, beds etc, one can rest assured to happen touches of wood or a great trade of it, in mountain chalets. On this same note, non merely the traditional chalets made usage of wood, but it is besides being used in chalets being built and furnished presents. Mc Culloch ( n.d. ) in his article explains, how Gilly ( the interior decorator of Chalet Dargan, Switzerland ) calls these insides ‘ [ m ] odern Alpine’ . This statement translated clearly through his work, where he used many stuffs including untreated wood. The usage of untreated wood was entirely to keep the consistence with the outside of the chalet Dargan, where the celebrated Verbier Ski Reach was situated right exterior. The designer of this esteemed chalet made usage of pine which Mc Culloch ( n.d. ) goes on about how ‘in a modern-day turn, the boards cladding the walls were laid horizontally instead than vertically.’ ‘It is of import to utilize local stuffs wherever possible. Along with all the old-timers we found, this adds to the chalet’s genuineness as you get the history of the part merely from what you find inside it. Reproductions don’t give a topographic point that sense of ambiance or depth.’ Burt ( 2013 ) Adding to this statement she antecedently goes on about how ‘ [ T ] raditional chalets can be rather littered, but we wanted a really simple infinite that still felt reliable. The tabular array and chairs are masters, once more sourced locally, and because they are mis-matched you get a welcoming feel instead than something excessively formal.’ An inside can be refined and enhanced by utilizing local traditional stuffs as Rus, ( 2013 ) agrees with Burt’s old statement and continues by stating that refinement and heightening a chalet by agencies of low local stuffs is the manner to travel. She returns by adverting several stuffs used when ad orning traditional chalets, some of which include ; ‘flat- textured frontier rock, repurposed corral boards, century- old hand- hewn beams and moss rock’ . Rus, ( 2013 ) concludes by citing Markham Roberts ( interior interior decorator ) where he says ‘ [ tungsten ] ith stupefying mountain positions and great skiing to bask, who needs a tricked-out place theater? ’ Stating otherwise is Burt ( 2013 ) where she says that the client wanted something loony, therefore the room took a dramatic turn compared to the traditional and minimal art found in the other suites. Animal caput visible radiations were used to maintain the traditional facet alive, nevertheless instead than couch ; since they would hold been excessively rigorous they opted for whiffs, which can be moved about effortlessly. The remainder of the house was rather impersonal so in this room they pulled all the Michigans and went for a dad of coloring material, go forthing the remainder of the house igniter looking. Patrick Lecoq, a celebrated carpenter fitter, voices his sentiment in an article by Armendine ( 2013 ) where he says that ‘the chalet manner I like, less ‘heavy’ and loaded than the traditional manner, which I sometimes criticized for holding ‘too much’ wood. The living country is big, full of light and clear.’ He moreover goes on about how he prefers to paint wooden walls in white to give it a cleaner expression and besides to do a room expression bigger. Lecoq is non the lone Alpine expert who diverges from traditions, Nicky Dobree besides doesn’t like to over jumble with wood, and her manner is ‘classic contemporary’ . ‘Nicky’s version of skiing luxury is cool and classy instead than technicolour and flash. Her main beginning for the chalet was Christian Liaigre, the Gallic designer’ . ( Redhead, 2005 ) Having said that intimations of tradition are still seen in her work, but she prefers to writhe them in her ain manner. ‘Aside from the chromium steel steel and leather front door grip, Moudon’s log- cabin looks provide no intimation of the gilded modernness within. But beyond the rough- and- ready porch is a five-bedroom ski chalet. And it’s pure James Bond with its woolen throws, fox pelts, cowskin and the boom log fire [ †¦ ] the sweat room, the hot bath, mod cons and Gaggenau.’ ( Redhead, 2005 ) Another interesting fact about Dobree, is as Rich ( 2013, p.79 ) says that ‘Dobree utilizations warm Earth tones and sophisticated natural stuffs, such as pelts, leather, and rock. This interior decorator besides refashions typical design elements of the Alpine chalet: [ †¦ ] screens armchairs and Ottomans with animate being hides.’ Besides being born and raised in Britain meant that Dobree was non from the Alps part ; nevertheless she channels her loyal British side by doing usage of tartan cloths. ‘Dobree blends the dignified pol ish of a British parlour with the appeal of a countrified mountain chalet.’ ( Rich, 2013, p.79 ) When it comes to color pallets both Mc Culloch ( n.d. , p.167 ) and Burt ( 2013 ) province, that when doing usage of impersonal tones in these chalet insides, alternatively of adding a touch of coloring material they maintain a steady coloring material strategy, in most instances impersonal and they adjust things by indulging different textured beds, and therefore soft colorss flow into each other. Another rule for them is to present forms alongside these textures. Many Alpine insides as farther mentioned by Mc Culloch ( n.d. , p.167 ) usage ‘ [ degree Fahrenheit ] abrics by Mulberry, Casamance and Moon [ †¦ ] layered with field coloured linens to give textural heat [ †¦ ] Given that you’ve got so many difficult surfaces, you truly necessitate the cloths to soften the place.’ Another of import factor, which makes today’s chalets comforting and inviting goes down to the lighting used. As stated by Burt ( 2013 ) , the visible radiation used ( instance in point a crystal pendant ) , adds a modern-day feel, without being excessively strong. Bedside lamps or any other lamps, add cozy pools of illuming where it is needed elsewhere. Besides electricity illuming a immense visible radiation beginning for these chalets is natural visible radiation. Most of today’s chalets are surrounded by Windowss, most of them being immense glass panels replacing opaque walls. This is down to the user being in harmoniousness with nature instead than being wholly excluded. This natural visible radiation beginning adds heat to the room, doing it experience more homely and delighting. Nowadays the traditional animate being horns over the hearth, are still being used nevertheless, they are given a intent. As Burt ( 2013 ) references in her article, in the place film she made usage of carnal caputs as a beginning of illuming. This kept in sync with the chalet traditions even though the remainder of the room was far from traditional. Another interior decorator that uses a similar scheme is Nicky Dobree, who is good known for her upscale mountain chalet redevelopments. As Rich ( 2013, p. 79 ) references, Dobree ‘creates pendants out of runing trophies’ . Chiefly built in 1941, Chesa Nova is found in the bosom of St. Moritz, Switzerland. In the class of these last few old ages, legion redevelopments and add-ons were made to this chalet. Family members have late altered the construction to do it more modern-day and to furthermore do them experience more at easiness. Certain traditional constructions were left untasted, which include the ceilings which were made of Swiss rock pine. This pine is besides known as the ‘Queen of the Alps’ because it is found in the highest clime conditions of the Alps. The aroma of the wood stated antecedently is said to hold healthy effects for people’s well- being ( Rich, 2013, p.127 ) . Coinciding with what Rus ( 2013 ) antecedently stated, Rich ( 2013, p.127 ) indicates, ‘During the undertaking, Stamm combined antique elements made of rock and wood with carnal pelts and felt upholstery materials’ . A figure of modern-day chalets preserve their natural traditional facet while presenting different manners to add something excess to give that belly laugh factor. As indicated by Rich ( 2013, p.118 ) Chesa Cresta in St. Moritz, Switzerland where one can happen traditional wood constructions, but a great trade of this chalet revolves around the Baroque manner, as Rich said herself ‘ The ornaments are rather Baroque: sophisticated velvets, flowered designs, old landscape pictures, and curtains having artistic embroidery.’ ( 2013, p.118 ) Both Turrentine ( 2010 ) and Rich ( 2013, p.142 ) have the same sentiment and point out that some chalets make usage of ‘White or red- painted walls form the ideal background for pictures from Russian daring motion and Graubunden old-timers. The trappingss reflect the clip in which the construction was built and include pieces from the Bauhaus, De Stijl, and the Wiener Werkstatte motions every bit good as a aggregation from Gerrit R ietvelt.’ ( Rich, 2013, p.142 ) ‘‘We didn’t want to make an exact transcript of an Arts and Crafts interior, ’’ says Botero, ‘‘but we were decidedly influenced by that style- its spirit of detailing, and particularly its vocabulary of wood.’’ ( Turrentine 2010 ) Epicurean chalets are clearly outstanding presents, Bibliography: Dawson, L. , 2014. History of the Huts.History of the Huts. [ ONLINE ] Available through: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 04 May 2014 ] . Lee, L. , Chalets are excessively epicurean – Telegraph. 2013.Chalets are excessively epicurean – Telegraph. [ ONLINE ] Available through: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 01 May 2014 ] . Mc Culloch, A.,2014. Summit Special. Homes and Interiors Scotland, Available through: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 26Interiors.pdf [ Accessed 04 May 2014 ] Ralph Kylloe, 2011.Countrified Home. Edition. Gibbs Smith. Rich, G. , 2012.Populating in Style Mountain Chalets ( English, German and Gallic Edition ). Mul Edition. teNeues. William S B Dana, 2012.Swiss Chalet Book: An Elegant Guide to Architecture and Design. 1 Edition. Skyhorse Publication.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nature or Nurture Controversy

Developmental psychologists tell us that development is caused by two very extensive intermingling factors: heredity or nature, and environment or nurture. Often determining the demarcation line between these two factors, which directly or indirectly influences our biological and psychological constitution, is not an easy task. Nature speaks of the transmission of traits from parents to offspring through the genes which is universally known as heredity. This biological transmission of traits from one generation to another plays an important role in the determination of traits that are considered human and nonhuman. The biological structures, people inherit, at the same time, make people’s behavior possible. It is also these biological structures that limit human behavior (Hurlock, 1964). On the other hand, environment embraces all the influences that affect or shape man. The other process of development that occurs through the medium of the environment is called learning. There are more social or behavior scientists today who stand on the position that they adhere strictly neither to the nature nor to the nurture side. They are persuaded or tend to lean on an integrated or multi-dimensional approach. However, there have been specific areas in the study of human behavior that are being challenged on a continuous basis, and this includes subjects that aid to either the heredity or environment positions (Morris & Maisto, 1999). This short study attempts to provide evidences to the scientific inquiry that nurture influences early human development. It seeks to look into explicit observations already made, i.e., studies done that investigated the issue of nature and nurture. Discussion In general, it can be argued that all behavior reflects the influence of both nature and nurture. All organisms acquire or inherit a range of structures that set the stage for certain behaviors. Yet environmental influence such as nutrition and learning also help decide whether or not genetically possible behaviors will be displayed. The genius of such creative writers as C.S. Lewis or Stephen King may never appear should they have been reared in less fortunate circumstances without the privilege or opportunity of even writing and reading. Nurture especially during the early stages in the life span influences some of the arenas of human existence. The best illustration to this is in the aspect of intelligence. Many studies have been conducted to emphasize the role of environment and this is illustrated in the areas of research where scientists try to manipulate the initial milieu around which many young children are in jeopardy of developing poor intellectual functioning. These researches actually put stress or accentuate the preventive aspect instead of addressing the interventions that may be applied later on. A lot of families from below the poverty line reasonably, are not able to afford their children a cognitively motivating atmosphere. For this reason, majority of these children are even expected to perform below their capacity. It is arguably to the side of nurture in instances that intellectual functioning is compromised when the environment component is not maximized. Hence the reason that some of the government’s popular programs to address the problem are in place. They include such services as Head Start, which are confirmed effective strategies in developing the child’s intellectual capability (Ramey, 1989 in Halonen and Santrock, 1996, p. 280). Despite some of the controversies that surround the efficacy of the â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act† spearheaded by President George W. Bush, the rationale following this public policy is the fact that children coming from inner cities and minority groups will be provided ample opportunities for cognitive development via government funding. Schools that do not perform at par with â€Å"productive ones† will be evaluated and funding consequently is affected. This raises up the standard of the schools especially their teachers. Whether this is fail-safe or not, is not the question here. However, this is a clear illustration that without any environmental intervention, children left to themselves may not develop competence or achieve their potential. Another evidence that point to the effect of environment on human development especially during the early years is based on observations or studies on parental abuse of children. According to research, the growth and development of a child is modified incessantly by the influences in the environment. The fact that maltreatment by parents over their children account for the vast differences of performance of school age children and many of the resulting disorders or maladjustment problems that are frequent problems encountered by educators, substantiates the claims of nurture or environmental influence ( Early childhood environment impacts the child’s cognitive ability is also shown in a study on the effects of nutrition in infancy and later cognition. Nutrients as provided by formula or any other supplement affect brain development significantly.   The study supports the hypothesis that optimum nutrition in infancy â€Å"has significant consequences for cognitive development (Lucas, 1998). Conclusion Nurture is perhaps the strongest alibi any person attributes to whenever things turn out not as good as they want them to be. We often make justifications why we tend to be mediocre; â€Å"because my parents did not try their very best to train me and provide for all that I need,† is our typical rejoinder. To what extent is this true, and where does the line end when it comes to personal responsibility, genetic predispositions, or the responsibility and accountability of people who exert immense influence on us? The argument postulated in this paper is not so much as â€Å"drawing the line† in as much as it has evidently proven the great impact of nurture on personality and/or human development in general. This paper pointed out exactly, that many of individual decisions and government policies are responses to the effects of environment to early human development, thus proving the hypothesis correct. Parental abuse and neglect have been issues in learning because these are factors that are vital to the child’s overall performance and normal functioning as they operate as kids and later as adults in the real world. This is also true with nutritional status of children in their growing years. Several studies have proven the effects of these factors that they are consciously observed among the educated parents; as much as possible, many actively pursue in avoiding the drastic effects of either deficiency. Indeed, the environmental changes that are constantly influencing children in their early stages are established in the scientific disciplines; this despite the many arguments to the contrary. Reference: 1. Environmental influences on brain development. Accessed    August 11, 2007. 2. Hilgard, ER, RR Atkinson, and RC Atkinson, 1983. Introduction to Psychology. 7th ed., New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanich, Inc. 3. Hurlock, E.B, 1964. Child development. New York: McGraw-Hill    Book Company, Inc. 4. Lucas, A., 1998. â€Å"Randomised trial of early diet in preterm   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   babies and later intelligence quotient.† British Medical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Journal, British Medical group. Accessed August 12, 2007 5. Morris, Charles G. & Albert Maisto, 1999. Understanding   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Psychology. 4th ed. Prentice Hall, Inc. P. 73. 6. Ramey as cited from Halonen, Jane S., and John Santrock.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Psychology: Contexts of   Ã‚  Ã‚   behavior. 1996. Brown & Benchmark,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   USA, p. 280.      

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Skype Improvement

In todays devices and services world more and more people choose to use Skype from devices like smartphones and tablet PCs hat rely on battery power, that on average have less processing power than modern desktop computers, and that are not physically or permanently connected to the Internet. This shift in the way people use Skype has required to enhance Skype's P2P connectivity as well as conserving battery and processing power, while delivering even more of the functionality and reliability that our users expect.Skype clients will continue to evaluate bandwidth, connectivity and firewall settings to select the most appropriate path for the call and continue to connect devices for P2P calls across the Internet so that users get audio and video connections that ‘Just work. As Skype continue on this Journey, these new technologies are helping to drive improved battery life and improved connections making Skype as a whole more resilient and providing a platform for exciting new f eatures.Introducing new features Skype have to introduce exciting new features such as video messaging which lets you catch up whenever or wherever the users are, connecting the users with the special people in their life even when their schedules conflict. Skype should invest in ringing new Skype scenarios online, putting the people who matter most to the users Just a click away. For example, in Outlook. com the users are enabled to connect through Skype without leaving your browser.Improving registration and account security Skype should improve their sign-up, sign-in, and security features. Great new features such as two step verification, will bring additional security to the users. As Skype continue to their new secured communication platforms, such as Xbox, Microsoft account will mean that the users have Just one account to remember and an unlock communications with a growing community of over 700 million Microsoft account users worldwide.Improving Skype chats Skype users send billions of chat messages every month, and enhancing the performance and quality of this core messaging experience is one of the key improvements the Skype should highlight. The Skype cloud should add the ability to queue and deliver chat messages even if the intended recipient is offline – so you can be ‘always reachable' to the people who matter most. Skype also should broaden

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Relationships Between the Father and the Son

The writer used many ways to show the relatioships between charcters in the stories we have studies one of them is Anil. in Anil the writer presents confilct in relationship between the father, Appa, and the son, Anil. Anil is very uncomfortable and scared with his father, we know this because in the story it says † his father was a burly man, a bully to his family† this explains that the relationship between the father and the son is unsual and unsafe. the word â€Å"Bully† is used to show negativity and the harmful relationship between Anil and Father.Through the description the relationship between the characters, presents Anil’s father, Appa, as an abusive bully in his domestic environment, but a coward in the presence of the headman. â€Å"a timid mouse to the headman† – this presents a different relationship in the story where Appa is weaker in front of the head man. but becomes abuser and dangerous man in his family specailly with his wi fe, we know this because in the story it says † Anil saw the bruise on her shoulder, where Appa, returning home drunk last night, had hit her†. his shows the violence relationship between the mother and the father, which totally shows no love and no respect. However, Anil's father shows lot of love and care for Anil at the end of the story, he say â€Å"you will study hard and be an engineer, or a doctor, or a lawyer. make this father proud of you† this shows that his father is very serious about Anil's future. he wants him to be educated and knolodgeable he cares about him. the word † proud† shows the postivity and a feeling of self-respect and personal worth.He want to take pride in his son's success. The writer also used many ways to show the relationships between the characters in the stories we have studied one of them is The Compass and Torch cleverly incorporates many different aspects of family relationships into the story from the very beginni ng. The layout of the first three paragraphs and its content show how much the boy is in awe of the father. The second paragraph consists of four extremely short sentences, each one describing how the boy watches his father. ‘Drinking it in: the essence of Dadness’.This metaphor shows just how much the son idolises and loves his father, implying that he wants to absorb as much as possible of him, perhaps due to lack of contact in previous years. From the phrase; ‘essence of Dadness’, we are presented with a feeling that the boy probably has missed having a fatherly figure next to him, displaying their strange and alien relationship through the story. Further into the story, we realise the importance of the torch for the family, especially the boy, in emitting hope that somehow they might rebuild their broken relationship.The boy treasures the symbolic possession, stating it is for ‘lighting up the expedition of father and son’. This hopeful sen tence evokes sympathy in the reader at how he is desperately trying to convince himself that all is well in their relationship. The sentence could either literally mean that he values the use of a torch, or when looking deeper, we see the boy hopes it might magically rebuild bonds with his father and guide his way. Elizabeth Baines uses character gestures to show the tense relationship felt between the boy’s mother and father.After describing the man’s uselessness in being a good father, we are told the mum has ‘a choke in her voice’ and ‘a kind of snarl’ suggesting his actions have made her emotional with anger and worry. From this description, we get the idea that their relationship did not end on a good note and she is now left to deal with the consequences of constantly worrying about her son’s safety. In addition to this, the word ‘snarl’ suggests it is almost a primal instinct leading her to dislike her sons father, a nd the referring her to an animal shows the raw emotion inside of her.The story uses foreshadowing within the horses on the moor to present how the father and sons relationship is destined to be broken, and is unfixable. The contrasting descriptions of the horse show how the story may turn out badly towards the end. At first, we are told the horse is ‘softly curious’; displaying the innocence of the pairs expedition and intentions. However, we are soon told that the horse ‘looks through dark, deep fringed eyes’, suggesting an almost evil malicious intention despite its innocent appearance at first.This change in character foreshadows the events to come as, despite both father and son wanting the expedition to go well, deep down they both know that their broken relationship is far beyond repair. http://www. northleamingtonschool. warwickshire. sch. uk/attachments/article/138/Miss%20F's%20Compass%20and%20Torch%20guide. pdf themes for Anil: Themes Dreams of th e future Relationships/ Family – the role of each member of the family Culture Childhood Violence Guilt Repression Fear Love Shame Superstitions: Lack of Education? Morality – what is right/wrong Treatment of women Justice themes for compass and torch: Themes:Relationships (between father & son) Growing up/ Childhood Hopes/Dreams Communication themes are very important in the story because Amma, Anil and Appa are very close to each other in the main story part, where the themes begins. the main themes are love, culture, guilt, fear and most important part is justic and shame. some people think that the main part of the story is where the secret of murder coulaps and no one knows about it this shows that there is so much to tell to the reader and the writer compares to village resources i know this because in the story it says: the main highlighted things in the story like . a timid mouse to the headman† and † proud â€Å", because there is some much more i n the story colaptes in the to the characters who deals with nature and sympathy quotes for example,: † burly â€Å", â€Å"bully†, compares to other people no one liked him ( Appa ), because no one could ever imagine how hard is for him to deal with his children to emitt another people to help his son when he was injured and ery fraustrated, because no one did believe him in other socity nationality coraposes, and edmit that there is no one to help around him to keep him healthy and successful, we know this because in the story it says, â€Å"lighting up the expedition of father and son†. this shows that there is no lighten shown up to his father towards an emotive communication deals and suspects, which shows no related emotions and consepts effort that helps him to deal with his son alone and with very corapted situations that he would see him as a â€Å"unfixable† situation.This extremely explains that there is no more evidence than this that can give an example to the audience that he would be in a horrible and motivated situation comparing to his life in hard legall house (where he live). the writer presents so much things to deal with, after the second report of his son's controubution. However, legally no one tried to change the atmosphere so much within the legal documents and false/fake report, because he couldnt show the other documents in the future as if he was the right father to him in many ways like dealing with forgiveness, food, shelter, love, respect, and many other.None of the son's family tried their best in persuasing him to deal with this hard situation and contraboute to other nonesense language that have been used in the text. there is many example for this reason, for example, â€Å"choke†,†snarl†, â€Å"fringed eyes†, and â€Å"bruise†. this shows that the writer used so much negative words with funny language, that the reader could not notice whats going. So the main point is that the writer confuses the reader within the text he wrote, this called â€Å"malicious intention†. he writer is so much clever in so many ways to write so much things it always communicate the themes in the story that deals with the audience cleverlness and emotions. however, no one tried to deal with so many things like love, relationships, trust, loss, emotions, arguments, honesty, sadness, rejections, fear, shame, guilt, feelings, struggles, separations, curious, proud, separations, anger, attachements.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Basics of Christianity and Hinduism

Christian fundamental Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world. Two billion people worldwide are engaged in one-third of Christianity in the world. Christianity is faith in the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. The idea of ​​how a father, son, and the Holy Spirit will be one seems to be something you might have in a dynamic way or in some way. The fact that this may be impossible for most people is because the Trinity has never been mentioned explicitly in the text. Religion is not so important in today's world compared to hundreds of years ago. In the United States, the main religion is Christianity, no one is worried about other religions like Hinduism. Strangely, Hinduism was always in the world before Christianity, but many people do not know it. As I have seen before, when teaching religious beliefs, There is lack of complexity compared to Christian lessons (Glod). Some people think Christians are perfect to complete other religions, b ut everyone is perfect in their own way. As we all know, Christianity and Hinduism are different. There is a slight similarity between the two beliefs. Religion is a very important aspect of people's lives. Because Christianity only rules over the rules of people's lives, Hinduism is ahead of Christianity. Since Hinduism is a religion with many beliefs and practices, it is more challenging to offer Christianity and Hinduism. It uses Hinduism as an unfair habit, reducing its theology and philosophy to the extent it really provides for comparison with Christianity. But in Hinduism there are some common principles for all Hindus. The first difference between Hinduism and Christianity is that Hinduism considers Christianity as an effective religion, while the Bible does not. Hinduism is a religion that promotes tolerance. It teaches that all religions are different paths to goals and that all religions are different means. Hinduism is not exclusive and admits that all religions are effe ctive. But Christianity teaches that Christ is the only way to God. John 14: 6 replied, Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth, the life, nobody can come to the father except me.

IKEA- Furniture Retailer to the World Case Study

IKEA- Furniture Retailer to the World - Case Study Example It has a customer base of 583 million in 2007. Its customer base consists of mainly the middle class who are able to afford the furniture. It has had some significant changes in terms of their market and customer base. It dealt in various products when starting but changed to furniture which was very expensive in Sweden at the time. There was also a significant change in terms of their designs and manufacturing. These changes came about due to the pressure from their competitors. Their competitors were losing market to them due to their low prices and quality products (Dahlvig, 35). Ingvar Kamprad is the founder and head of the company. Like many other companies, IKEA started small by selling products from the family farm. The name IKEA came from an acronym where I and K were his initials; E stood for Elmtaryd which was the name given to the family farm and A was for Agunnaryd which was the Southern Sweden village where the farm was located. Their first employee was Gillis Lundgren, a 22 year old designer. The management at IKEA was informal and its founder led by example the low cost tradition. With Kamprad at the top, his management was non-hierarchical and informal. It was more of team based and his team would not spend extravagantly (Stenebo, 40). The management team comprised of young people who had not been employed by other enterprises before. This was because the more educated and elite could not adapt well with the work at IKEA. The business grew from a single store in Sweden to 285 stores in 35 countries. There were different challenges experienced in starting up these stores but they were overcome by the good team at IKEA. The employee base also grew from the founder who was joined by the designer and later the different managers at the different branches and other employees. The employee base stood at 127,800 in 2008 with a product range of 9500 products (Dahalvig, 45). As at 2008, IKEA had 1,380 suppliers in 54 countries. This

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Forget about Copywriting in Advertisements Essay

Forget about Copywriting in Advertisements - Essay Example The present competitive environment is characterized by numerous market players trying to capture the same market segment. Bargaining power of consumers is on the high and hence it has become a very important issue among the managers to create a distinction and have an edge in the market (Chew & Gottschalk, 2009, p.57)). Companies are spending billions to analyze the demands of the customers and undertaking continuous research and development to market products that satisfies the ever changing needs of the consumers. In this regard marketers also banking upon advertising as a medium to communicate to the target market audience (Pringle & Marshall, 2012, p.16). This assumes importance as in the present age of competition it is very necessary to remain in close contact with the customers and also have channels that can help marketers communicate with the customers (Rich, 2009, p.218). Huge volumes of resources and time are being spent on creating advertisements that are innovative so a s to ensure that the intended message reaches out to the consumers. Extensive market research is being carried out to ensure that the advertisements are creative and that individuals take time to view these advertisements and that the intended message reaches out to the target market audience (Yeshin, 2005, p.215-216). However with all the organization placing numerous advertisements it has been found that customers are getting annoyed and irritated by the number of such advertisements that they are being flooded everyday. Customer’s everyday is bombarded with mails, messages as well as advertisements on television and print media that are confusing them and as a result they are largely ignoring these advertisements (Kenworthy & Rodrigues, 2007, p.141). This has made it very essential to not only generate innovative means of advertising but also ensure that the advertisements are popular and acceptable by the audience. The question of ethics also comes into play in this regar d with many marketers indulging in unethical means to ensure viewership of advertisements (Lee & Johnson, 2005, p.174). Hence it has been a critical aspect for marketers to undertake strategies in this regard so as to ensure that advertisements are effective and that the intended message reaches out to the customers in an effective manner that generates value or the customers as well as the organization. The aspect of proper advertising also implies copyrights with various companies trying to outpace each other by copying or mimicking the advertisements of their competitors. Governments across nations are also putting legislative regulation on marketing advertisements so as to ensure fair competition in the market (Buskop, 2008, p.120). The present study would specifically analyze the aspect of advertisements that would include analyzing the aspect of creating innovations in advertisements and promotions and also to ensure that customers view the advertisements and the correct messa ge reaches out to the target market segments so as to help a company stay ahead of the competition in the market and generate innovations. Importance of Art of Copywriting The art of Copywriting is as important as ever, no matter how much the advertising world has changed. There has always been a need for copywriters because of the fact that copywriting provides a

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Family genogram progect Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Family genogram progect - Term Paper Example My parents did raise me, however, to believe in the tenants of religion and the teachings that are important in any religious observance. These teachings include the admonition that I must treat everybody with kindness and respect; that I must not judge anybody, as I am not perfect myself; that I must love my neighbor as myself; and that I must not become too enamored of material things, because material things are not what brings true happiness. My parents are very traditionalists, aside from the fact that they are not religious overtly. Their parents were even more traditionalists, and they observed more traditional religion. They believed not only in the Supreme Being, but they also believed in lesser gods, ancestral spirits and magic and medicine. In a way, my grandparents shaped my religious identity more than my parents did. This is because I believe, at least somewhat, in the old ways of my grandparents. I understand that Christianity has some of the same beliefs as what my grandparents ascribed to, which includes the beliefs in guardian angels and the like. I also believe that my ancestors are watching over me, like a kind of guardian angel. My beliefs in magic and medicine are derived from my grandparents, and they are translated into my beliefs in the Tarot and astrology. In other words, I have more of a mystical basis for my overall belief system that does not necessarily comport with Christianity, but is more in line with my grandparents. And, from my parents, come the values that they have taught me, which I have listed above. As far as the sociopolitical foundations of my family, my parents showed the typical exchange theory of labor within the family dynamic, which means that my mother had the role as a homemaker, and she exchanged her labor for my father’s economic provisions. My grandparents have exhibited the same type of exchange. I am different, however, as I am raising my three teenagers on my own, with some

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project - Research Paper Example Technology is the main tool used in this trend and this makes it possible for a multinational company carry out its activities with ease (Steers et al, 2010). ADNOC since it is an international company needs to install and run with the latest technological infrastructures in order to embrace the technological supply chain. The other trend that is noticeable in EAU’s oil industry is the use of technology to come up with innovations. Companies that have used technology as a tool for innovation have gained a competitive edge over the others in the industry. A notable innovation in the oil industry is the wrapping together of cloud computing, data management and mobility, which is useful for the easy running and closing deals by companies (Steers et al, 2010). ADNOC should recruit a team purposely meant to come up with innovations that would give the company some advantage over its rivals. Another trend that is in the EAU’s oil industry is the challenges posed by lack of experienced and talented workforce. The main course for this loss is the retirement of the old workers who had the expertise of how things operated in the industry. The research conducted on the industry revealed that close to 90% of the officials running the different companies are senior workers. ADNOC needs to appoint a few young people in the senior positions to help them acquire the experience needed to run the company (Steers, et al, 2010).. APCO consultancy is one of the newly operating companies in Middle East having been established in the area in 2007. The company has however become a success with its services of advising the international and local clients on several issues that are critical to the growth and success of their successes (Carland & Faber, 2008). Some of its diverse services include crisis management, government

Monday, September 9, 2019

Macro Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Macro Economics - Research Paper Example In details, the discussion seeks to establish the effects of fiscal, GDP, monetary, international trade, and demographic policies in real-estate business sector in the U.S.A economy. In the year 2008, the U.S economy faced a stiff slant as its domestic businesses slumped in performances due to inflation of the dollar unit. The government responded to the situation by resolving the dollar crisis and implementing long-term solutions to recover the economic deficits (McDonald & Stokes, 2013). Uncle Dan’s resolution to engage in real-estate business is for the good of the US society since the developed structures will provide direct and indirect job opportunities to many citizens in the nation (Capozza & Van, 2011). Statistics indicate that the US real-estate sector has in the past 3-year period contributed to the economy at a rate of 5%, 7%, and 8.6% respectively (Sanders & Order, 2011). Arguably, the real-estate economic segment serves to benefit the US economy through net contributions in the provision of working space for offices and other businesses that are invested within the rental premises. Therefore, a resolution to engage in real-estate business will serve to benefit the majority of the people and the investor will accrue profitable returns at the short and long run periods. Mainly, such benefits will be present in Uncle Dan’s real-estate business to the extent that he will provide commercial and residential premises to attract different customers with different needs and preferences (Deng, Quigley, & Order, 2004). The resolution further seems to be influential to the overall GDP rate of the economy. Economical reviews indicate that real-estate business’ contributions to the grand economic revenues at $2.15 trillion (LaCour-Little, 2008). Reviews concerning the business practices reflected in the real-estate field of business denote the profound growth rate and it is evident that the business is yet